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Admission Arrangements

The Governing Body of Millfields Nursery School applies the criteria determined by Walsall Council (for admissions) fairly and equally to all those who wish to attend this school.  The school provides 96 part-time places (48 morning and 48 afternoon) for children from 3 - 4 years of age.  We are an inclusive school that welcomes children from all backgrounds and abilities.  The only restriction that we place on entry is that of number.  If the number of children applying for entry exceeds the places available, the Headteacher will admit the children by using the following admissions criteria (in order of priority).


(i  )   children in Public Care (looked after children)

(ii )   children who have a brother or sister already in attendance at the school

(iii)   children for whom a place at the school is essential on medical or social grounds as supported in writing by a medical practitioner or a social worker (applications will be subject to verification by School Admissions, Walsall Council)

(iv)    distance between the home address and the school as measured in a straight line, with priority given to those living                 closest - if this is exactly the same for more than one child, the school will draw a name from a hat as the only fair way


Where there is capacity, the school may offer places to children who have attained the age of 3 years.  If the remaining places are over-subscribed the Admissions Criteria (i) – (iv) shown above will apply.


Only the Admissions Criteria are used to offer nursery places, and not the date that a parent/carer actually requested a place.


For more information on admission arrangements, please contact School Admissions, Admissions & Pupil Place Planning, Walsall Council, 2nd Floor Civic Centre, Darwall Street, Walsall, WS1 1TP, telephone 01922 652585.


We arrange an open evening for parents during the summer term and invite parents of all children on our waiting list who will be 3 before the end of the year.  Children are admitted to the nursery school during the term of their third birthday, providing there are places available.  The majority of our children are admitted in the autumn term, however if places are available, admissions will also take place during the spring and summer terms.  To register your child or to arrange an appointment to look round the nursery school, either telephone or call in and speak to Carmella Nelson, Office Clerk who deals with all nursery school admissions.


We home visit all children before they start nursery and two members of staff will visit you at home to get to know you and your child and tell you more about nursery school.  Visits usually take around 15 minutes and take place during early September for autumn term admissions and early January for spring term admissions.  We also invite all new children to visit the nursery for an hour with their parents to enable them to meet other children and staff.  Nursery visits also take place during early September and January.  On your child's first day we ask you to bring them after the start of the session and collect them a little earlier.


Should you have any queries about our admission arrangements please speak to Carmella Nelson, School Office Clerk on 01922 714830 between 9.00 am and 2.00 pm during term time.




We have a school uniform, which is available from Clive Marks Schoolwear and Crested Schoolwear in Walsall.  The uniform consists of royal blue fleeces, royal blue sweatshirts, royal blue sweatcardis and sky blue polo shirts and T-shirts.  Uniform is not compulsory but does have many benefits ie saves wear and tear on other clothes and children know what they need to wear for school.  Children do not need a PE kit.


School Fund


We ask for a weekly donation of £1.50 to be brought in on Mondays which goes towards events for the children such as the Christmas party, Easter entertainment and the animal man.




Milk is available, free of charge, to all children on a daily basis.  Children are encouraged to drink plain water at any time during the session and you are asked to bring a small flask of water for your child to drink in school on a daily basis. No juice, cordial or flavoured drinks please.


Fruit and Snacks


We encourage children to eat fruit as a snack.  Please bring one piece of fruit each week to make up a fruit bowl for the children.  We ask that morning children bring in fruit on Mondays and afternoon children bring in fruit on Wednesdays.




Your child will have the opportunity to bring a book home every week.


Toys From Home


We would ask that your child does not bring in toys from home as we do not have the space to accommodate them and there is always the possibility that well-loved toys may get damaged or lost.




Parents and carers of nursery school children are not allowed to park or drive on to the site - please respect and adhere to this at all times.

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